Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Impressive Living!


Today we are not easily impressed.  People can sing until glass breaks, but there is someone else who can do the same.  If someone comes up with a witty idea, we are not moved because in may cases, we thought about something similar, or have our own thing we are working on.   People are not driven as much by what others think, so being impressive is hard, but that does not stop us from trying.  

Impressive is defined as:  

'Having the power to excite attention, 
awe or admiration through size, quality or skill.'


I have found that sometimes the people we are least interested in are the ones we try to impress the most.   We have family and close friends that we really don't worry or often even care about what they think of us, or if they are impressed; but we put a lot of thought and  effort into impressing people who are basically, not impressed!  Why is that?  

"The ones I am least interested in, I try to impress the most.  
The ones who love me the most, and know me the most, I don't even try to impress because they already love me."        ~JHG

I have found that this applies with our relationships with with God as well.  He absolutely LOVES US!  Regardless to how we live, what we do, where we go and how we try to avoid Him, He loves us.   He is the only one who really knows how we are and continues to accepts us, help us and works to change us into a better version, or more so - the original version of ourselves.  He walks us through our struggles and forgives our every sin, yet we don't really live to impress Him. Now granted, the question is 'can we really impress Him when He knows everything'?  Not really.  But how we live, how we trust Him, lean on Him and allow Him to govern our lives, no matter how messed up we are, can be impressive... not to Him, but to others.  


Instead of trying to impress people with who we are and how what we acheive, we should instead seek to leave an impression on them.  Since being impressive points to being able to excite attention, we have to remember who the attention is for.   It feels good to get compliments and praise for things we do and work on in this life.  It is rewarding for someone to tell you how impressed they are at what you have done or accomplished, but truthfully as believers... that is not why we are here.  We are here to manifest His works in our lives, we are here to leave an IMPRESSION. 

An IMPRESSION is defined as:

'An idea, feeling or opinion about something or someone, especially one 
formed without conscious thought, or on the basis of little evidence.'

Many times we may encounter people who have no real idea who our God is.  They have heard one thing, seen something else and none of it may be good.  But when we deal well with people in a time that they are not accustomed to it, it leaves an impression.  When we ignore ignorance and love people in spite of how they treat us, it can leave an impression.  It can form an idea or opinion about God in during a time of their lives when they have seen little evidence of Him. 

We are told to 

"Let your lights shine so bright that others will see OUR good works and glorify HIM."  

That is impressive living.  

So as you go through life, instead of trying to please people and get them to notice us or our works, live your life so they will notice Him, and see His  great works through you!   Impress them, with an impression of HIM!

Philippians 2:3-13

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Camp Immigration: "For Kids!"


I remember so well the time we spent in summer camps in Ruidoso, New Mexico.   Living in a children's home in El Paso, Texas, afforded us some opportunities that others may not have had; and camp was one of them.  We slept in beds that lined  the walls in large areas in the sleeping area, we shared bath areas and ate together.  Main restrooms were outside and open t all based on their gender.  We played tether ball, and built  forts in the dirt by digging around large tree roots. Our creations were shaded  by large trees that hung over the grounds.   Some days we got to  ride horses and other days we went on a nature walk around a river bed.  We had vesper, sang songs, baked bread, took naps and we sent and got mail from home.  

Of course before going we had time to prepare, and our parents knew we were going so they had time to pack our things and give us instruction on brushing our teeth, taking care of each other as well as the "You better behave yourself or else." kind of talk.  Camp was scary at first, but the preparation and environment along with the attitudes of those trained to work with young minds made for a summer camp that was memorable, rewarding, challenging and fun...a good camp does that.  What is happening with  immigrant children in our country today, is not a camp.


As children raised in El Paso, Texas, we didn't realize there was a war to hold and secure our borders.  We knew about constant movement from Juarez to El Paso,  and were aware that as high school students, if we went there to party, we were subject to run into difficulty getting back.  That is about all I knew as a kid.  I never understood what all the chatter was about.  I understand more now.  I understand enforcing law and what is legal and illegal.  I also understand people and how our life experiences form who we are and it dictates who our children are.  I am not going to try to convince anyone that breaking the law seems right when you are trying to protect your kids, I will not talk about trying to get a better life for your family, something every parent wants to do, or how difficult it must be to run from danger and find it. I won't mention the many jobs that are made or lost due to illegal immigration, but I will talk a moment about people, about children and how we treat each other.  


With what we are seeing in the media, I am not quite sure what place America has arrived at, and I'm not sure how low we will go to make a point.  We have always paid attention to the cry of a child, not matter who their parents area.  Even with our CPS system, bad parenting is met with a temporary removal of the child for safety reasons, but our plan is always to reunite them with their parents because we understand that is what is best for the child. Removing these children and forcing them into our "Camps" is cruel and traumatic for the children first, and I am sure we will not gain any brownie points with their relatives either.   I don't have all the answers and I am sure our government does not either, but this is a short term, long term wrong.  Children who experience trauma  or injustices at young ages,  carry that pain for years.  They can become adults driven to retaliate against wrongs done to their families.  I know we can do better than this.  Every parent teaches their child about stranger danger, this has got to be a nightmare for them. We are AMERICA, this is not what we do.  We have laws that protect condemned criminals, but we find ourselves here.  This is politics at it's worst.

The sound of a crying child is universal, it hurts no matter what their gender or  race; no matter how they got here, or who their parents are.  A crying child hurts the heart of  every woman and grabs the attention of every man.  If we ever ignore the cry of a child, we ignore the humanity in us, we ignore God in us.  Regardless to your stance on immigration, we all know, we are better than this. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Healing and Miracles! #2

We talked last week about healing- and that is what most of us need in this world. Knowing that God designed our bodies to heal themselves, we have to allow for the process and cooperate with it.  On occasion we find people who actually need not just healing, but they need a miracle.  Miracles can happen at any time, to any one, but it happens because God does it.  People do not perform miracles, though we may be used to usher them in, but it is a work that God does.   

A miracle is defined as: A surprising and welcomed event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws, it is considered to be divine workings.   Basically miracles don't happen because of science although we view breakthroughs and some scientific accomplishments as miraculous.  For the most part, miracles come from God. 

I love the ministry of Smith Wigglesworth!  If you have not ever read his books or about his life and ministry, I recommend it.  He had the strangest way of ushering in the move of God. He was used to facilitate many miracles in his lifetime.  People with cancer who were instantly healed, lame walked and even his wife was brought back from death's grip.  He had an intimate connection with God that  simpy gave room for miracles to happen through him.  Interestingly his heart was not consumed with the miracles, it was consumed with God and His word.   Before he died, he said he recognized that people were starting to look at him and the miracles more than focusing on  God, and he knew that God would not give His glory to anyone.  One day after he preaching a sermon, he simply went into his office and died, nothing wrong with him physically, just an awareness that he was in the way of people seeing God.  Those same people once again had to rely on God and not man.   Miracles are not for us to gloat in, they are not even really for people to have needs met, they are to bring glory to God and draw people to Him.   God is always moving- we just have to appreciate all the ways that He does.  


Miracles happen to show God's power, His love for us and it evidences His work in this earth. Mircles are  not meant to be a stream of income for people to get rich, or an opportunity to make people think we are so spiritual.  Some  want to see miracles to draw people so our services can be full, or so we can be known as a place where God moves. Miracles draw people, but the purpose of drawing them in not even just for them to receive a natural miracle but so they can recognize the greatest miracle.   

I recall as a young christian,  I had a friend who's unsaved grandmother was sick.  He was not a believer at the time and I thought if God healed her, that would create the perfect storm for him to accept Christ.  So I asked a woman at the church to go to the hospital and pray for her, she agreed.  The next Sunday I inquired about the vist and she said she went, she prayed  and the woman accepted Jesus.  I expected her to tell me the woman got up and went home, but  I was excited anyway, especially since many people have received healing when this church mother prayers.   I just knew that healing was hers now, and my friend was as good as saved!  I commpletely missed thie greatest miracle, the one that said she received Jesus.  She was translated from darkness to light, from death to life, from sin to righteousness. That was not my focus, I only wanted the healing. 

Later when I asked my friend how his 'Big Momma" was, he said she died. I was soo messed up! I couldn't understand what happened!  I was in tears as I questioned God about this lack of performance on His part.  I thought it was supposed to happen that way so he would give his life to God, but it didn't. I didn't even think about her giving her life to Him.   As I wallowed in despair,  this was the only time I recall God audibly speaking to me.  He said "Never underestimate my grace." I was so shocked that my tears dried up as I began to understand what God was saying to me.  He let me know that  just because someone is healed does not mean that they will run and serve God.  They could be healed and still miss heaven, that healing was not His ultimate goal.  These bodies are not the most important thing we have, our souls hold much more value to God.  To us, we want people here with us, but that is still only for a short time.  God however wants them for eternity.   So God let me know, when she wanted Him the most, He took her.  Now the enemy will never have her again.  See, the greatest miracle does not happen when sickness disappears, it happen when sin does.


When it comes to healing and miracles in our bodies, I have heard over the years all these reasons why they do not happen. when we pray.   Some say it is due to a lack of faith, and that sounds about right since we can't receive anything without faith.  But who are we to try determine whether or not someone has enough?  According to God, it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed and if we lack it we can go to His word to get it.   I have also heard that people are walking in disobedience, so they will not merit a miracle.  Maybe the atmosphere is not condusive to receiving a miracle?  We try so hard to find something that explains why a miracle does NOT happen, why not look at how it DOES?

Because God's ways are not ours, we don't really know what He is doing most of the time.  We should trust that He has things in His control.  Continue praying and seeking God for all His promises to manifest, and when they don't look like you think, allow for what you do not know.  Not everyone receives a miracle that we can see, some receive healing, and still others have to to trust God through a proccess that is difficult.  But if we take the time to really look, we will still see His hand in it all, because God is always working miracles. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Healing and Miracles #1

Many of us have known people in the midst of physical challenges that needed intervention to survive or get better.  We have promises in the word of God that allows for healing in our bodies through the brokenness of Jesus' body.  So we pray, we call for the elders of the church and trust God to do what only He can do.  Sometimes we pray for healing and other times we are at wits end and pray diligently for a miracle.  We need wisdom to know the difference so when we pray, we are not discouraged and broken. 


Healing:  The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.

The first thing we need to recognize if we are in need of healing, is that healing is not instantaneous, it's a process.  God can initiate the process, but we need to cooperate with it.   If we are praying to God for healing, it is in our best interest to do the things required to finish the process and maintain it.  Many think healing is a miracle, so they believe that God is going to do it all.  They may believe He is going to initiate it and maintain it for them.  But that is not so, healing is a process, a miracle is a surprising event that can't be explained; healing can often be explained, even if the prompting of it is seen as miraculous.


I appreciate our doctors.  The time they take to learn, the investment they make in our lives every day is to be commended.  Of course like every profession, there are some who are there for their own benefit and not yours, but many are there on purpose.  Their heart hurts with you and they want to be part of the healing process in the lives of their patients.  Their hearts will rejoice when everything works out according to plan and there is pride when they feel they have had a part in it.  Finding a good doctor may not be easy but when you find one, cherish them.  As a believer, if you can get one that trusts God and  knows how to pray, that is a huge plus.  Of course a non believer can be just as skilled and when God does something they do not understand, it leaves room for an introduction.

I have heard believers who have received a negative report from their doctor and they discount and ridicule what the doctors have said in the attempt to walk in faith.  But if what the doctors said is 'a lie' then there is no need for healing or miracles in the first place.   I often tell people that "Doctors practice medicine, God perfects it."  Meaning our doctors have learned what they can  do to treat what they understand, and many times it is good, but when it is beyond them, it is good to know God.   In fact, it is always good to know God! 


Many times we get into fear-  thinking that it is faith.  We get kind of scared that God is not going to touch us, so we begin doing things to PROVE to Him that we trust Him.  That may include running to every church event and standing in every prayer line, going on 60 day fasts when we are supposed to be eating meals with our medications.  We even begin tossing medication or other things that we have been using to show God that we have faith.  This is not wise for many reasons, remember healing is a..... PROCESS!  If you are dealing with something in your body and are trusting God for healing, this is not the time to get overly religious and cast out all your medications.  In the case of a miracle, meds may not be needed or even effective anymore.  Your doctor should tell you that, just like your body will.  Some medications require tapering off of, so if you just stop, you can cause a problem in your natural body that has nothing to do with your original issue.  

When dealing with healing, remember it is a process, we have to work with the process.  No dumping medications, no pulling out ports in the name of Jesus and no tossing your glasses outside the car on the highway!  Healing is a process and we cooperate with it.   That means how we eat, what medications we take, exercise, lifestyle changes, laying aside habits that contribute to the ailments or disease.  Most of us want a MIRACLE, because then we don't have to discipline ourselves in the process, and healing is a process.  Remember faith without works is dead, let your actions cooperate with your faith.


I encourage you today, if there is something going on in your body, it is okay to check with the doctors.  It is okay to take some medication. (I still pray about what I take due to side effects) and it is definitely appropriate to talk to God about the healing He provided for our bodies.  Always remember that God is the Creator, He knows how these bodies are designed and He can bring back what has been lost as we cooperate with Him.

Father God, I thank You for the person reading this and for those they are praying for.  Thank You that You have provided the right to have our bodies healed, regardless to what we have done in the past.  We are not moved by our actions, but we are moved by Your word.  You said by Your stripes we are healed, so we thank You for the process that is taking place in  our bodies today.  Thank You for wisdom to know what to do and how to respond during this time.  Touch our bodies and bring healing speedily in Jesus name. Connect us with good doctors who will value our lives like You do. We lay aside every thing that is contributing to the problem and thank You for touching us today, In Jesus Name!

Need a miracle?  Join us on next week's blog as we talk about Miracles!