Wednesday, July 26, 2017

"The Conversion Attempt"

It was early in the 1980's, I was single, and in my early twenties when I heard the knock on my door.  I opened up to two men, dressed nicely and holding what appeared to be bibles.  As a new Christian, I heard about various religions and had been encouraged by the older saints, to avoid them.  Not a problem you would think,  but I was a bit of a rebel and I like to know things for myself, so this was an opportunity.   I listened to their talk for a moment- they were kind and seemed sincere, so  we agreed they would come back the next week.  As I closed the door, I felt really good about the encounter, I was open.. just not to anything, but I was open to them; they carried their faith well.
When they returned, they were accompanied by a third person.   I was a bit more apprehensive since I was alone in my apartment.  That third man I called "The Converter". 


I could tell that the previous men were in training because when I would ask questions, "The Converter" chimed in.  I really  love talking about scripture so everything was going well, then things got weird.  Here were a few of my concerns:
  1. I was offered a second book (The bible says if anyone brings you another gospel they should be accursed Gal 1:8)  That did not set good with me, but I stayed open.
  2. Next they talked about another prophet that had a dream and wrote their book. (not a problem because the bible was written by men and inspired by God 2 Tim 3:16) but it was in a new book...
  3. They began to talk about (3) heavens:  Celestial, Terrestrial and another that I can't recall.  That was not a problem either since we know there are levels in heaven. The air where the birds are, where the stars are and where God resides.  We continued...
  4. To enter the heavens, I had to 1. Gain a body, 2. have faith and 3. keep the commandments and 4. something about baptism was in there too.
This is where my new bible study fell off.  I was young, but I also studied my bible. There were questions I had about the deity of Jesus Christ, they didn't believe He was anything other than a prophet.   When they spoke of keeping the commandments, I understood that we are saved by grace,  not by works- so I wanted clarity.  I asked questions about the (3) heavens and where you went if you gained a body and had faith, but was not baptized.  I was not trying to be difficult, but I had legitimate questions.  All they kept telling me over, and over was "We know and believe that the things we tell you are true."  After awhile I thanked them, let them know that what I believed I also knew to be true and they left.


Fast Forward to 2017:   I was chilling on my couch after a busy day when I heard the knock on the door.   I peered through the window- then answered it; there stood two smiling young ladies.  We greeted and they began a pitch that was somewhat familiar.  This time there was no need for another visit, I already knew what they believed and respected the fact that they were outside in the heat getting eaten by mosquitos.  They asked me questions about the faith I told them I've had since 1980. I mentioned that I worked at a church and when they asked I gave more information about my faith, the location of my church as well as how long I have been saved. After all of that, the first girl asked an  interesting question.  "Have you asked God about your beliefs?"   I smiled and told them that I ask Him often, He told me to acknowledge Him in all my ways and I took it literally. So I ask Him about a lot, maybe too much. At that point one of the young women said with confidence...
"We know and believe that the things we are telling you are true."  I smiled.
I began to explain to them the core of my faith which is in LOVE.  I mentioned that we all have various beliefs, but the way that we speak of the God we serve is how we love others.  I went on for a moment and noticed the change in the face of the second girl.  Her countenance seemed to soften and she began to nod her head.  Once we exchanged goodbyes and they walked away, I didn't feel like 'I WON!", I simply felt good. I had an opportunity to interact with God's  creation, and I respected them in the midst of obvious differences.


I believe when it comes to reaching people of other faiths, it is difficult.  More than anything it requires that we understand  that sometimes our job is just to plant; other times we may be the ones watering... but God and only God makes the seed grow.  We are only responsible for what we are 'response able'... I am not able to make you believe, or to validate your faith... that comes from God.
One thing I appreciate about my 2017 encounter is that they have basically been trained the same way. My first encounter was over 30 years ago, these two young women were not even born then!  But we see that the baton has been passed on.  As Christians, we can certainly learn from that.  Instead of fighting each other for what we disagree on, why not love each other and pass our faith on to the next generation with good answers as to 'why'.  Give them the tools to encounter their peers and always have an answer for what they believe. Allow them to be able to 'Know and believe that these things are true.'
If you find yourself in the company of people who believe different than you,  understand it is not necessary to MAKE them give up what they believe.  Just like they could not make me turn away from what I have spent over 30 years cultivating. Know that how you love people will be the best witnessing tool you can ever use.  Allow people to see the CORE of who you are and what you believe in, that will draw better than proving them wrong.

  I don't have to fight you to win you, but I do need to LOVE you.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Ultimate Fake News! (UNCOVERED)

I recall in my younger years, I had a friend who's boyfriend tried to hit on me.  The way he did it was completely out of order and angered me.  I knew if I told her, he would deny it and she might think it was just because I didn't like him for her.  (which was not true, but became true)  So, for the sake of our friendship, I said nothing.  This man however, felt he needed to be the first to say something so he could narrate what happened.  So, he told her I was treating him badly and he was not comfortable around me.  Well you can guess what happened... she confronted me, a bit irritated because she noticed a difference in how I was responding to him and she gave me his words as proof that I was treating him badly or being distant towards him.  At that point, I simply told her what he had done and why I distanced myself from him.  She did a fact check, found out the truth and ended that relationship and I kept a friend.

There are times in life that people feel the need to give you a story to believe so you will not believe the truth.    


Fake news is not new. Even in bible times there was a plan to cover up the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The sad thing about it, is in many instances.... it worked.  This is the account of it:

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow.  The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.   He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.       Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”  So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. ..........   While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened. When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.”  So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.                          ~Matthew 28:1-15

The Ultimate FAKE NEWS is not birthed from a storyline that is told to make you believe the storyline, it is concocted to get you to NOT believe the truth. The religious leaders couldn't afford for Jesus to resurrect like He said, so they gave a new story.


If you don't want people to believe the truth, then leave no proof of it.

One thing that separates truth from lies is documented facts.   If you really want us to believe that something is fake, you have to be successful at hiding the facts from us.  We saw this in current events with Hilary Clinton, we see it again with Donald Trump Jr.  The biggest problem for those putting out the FAKE NEWS -is when people investigate simply to uncover truth, not to reinforce lies.
Investigators look at emails, recordings or texts.  They read and compare one conversation with another one.  Whether it is the current issue with Russia, a congressman who is going wayward or a cover up involving our troops.  The one thing we do to PROVE what is real and what is fake is the written or documented facts along with eye witnesses. The soldiers saw what happened, and so did the ladies at the tomb of Jesus.  During that time, the culture would lean towards the men.  Eye witnesses are good, but there has to be more.

As believers this information should let us know why it is important to know and study our bible.  It has been said if you want to keep people ignorant, hide information in a book, or conceal the facts, change the narrative and make them have to work hard to find the truth.   Through the many devices of the enemy we've become such a visual based society that we no longer bother to further investigate things on our own.   We can go online to find scripture, to find explanations and everything else.. but if you want to find the truth today, you will have to dig in, because most of the storylines we read seek to hide the truth.  God has left us 'text' messages and communications that uphold His truth. If we really want to separate fake news about God from the truth, we have to avoid popular opinion or polls, and go back to His word. 


 How will you react to finding out that the truth has been hidden from you in plain sight?  To find that the resurrection was real, that His spirit is real, that Heaven and yes, even Hell are real? There is a storyline about God that goes against the facts.  If you believe the storyline without investigating the facts, you will be misled.
I would rather study and uncover truth now, than to take the FAKE NEWS that the religious have concocted to keep you blind and in bondage. Freedom is what God offers us all and He loves us regardless of what you have heard or what you have done.  If you have been given  a narrative about God that sounds shady, take time to uncover the truth about His love for you. He is not condemning you, He knows your weaknesses and feels your pain. By accepting Him and His plan to help you,  will bring you to a place of purpose and peace. He has nothing to hide, it is all in plain sight... and that's the documented truth.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Teaching Your Children to Swim Life!

Summertime is a fun time, and in is HOT!   If you are like many, you take advantage of this time to dress down, take the layers off and swim.  For many of us, we take advantage of the lighter clothing, but swimming is not what we do.  Whether it is because of how we were raised, or where we were raised, we may not have ever learned to swim.
I am one of those.  Raised in El Paso and traveling to Germany, it was never a priority to learn.  Now, years later.... I still don't know how to swim.  People have recommended that I take a course, but at this age it feels like I have made it this far, and I don't frequent places where I need to know how to.
I have accepted this but I wonder what would have happened if I learned how to swim.  Would I be one of those enjoying the break from the heat?  Would I be teaching my children to swim early?  Would I have looked for a house with a pool?  I will never know, because I never learned.


This is the time of year that we hear about children drowning-sometimes in their own back yards.  Many times it is a young child that wandered into water and no one saw it coming.  There are times that the child knew how to swim, but went alone into waters deeper than they could handle.  Children have also drowned in the midst of a crowd of people, everyone is so busy that somehow no one saw their struggle that may have looked like swimming.   I have found that many children always think they can swim better than they actually can.  A small child will remember having fun in the water and not know it is dangerous when there is no one there to pull them out.  I talked to my son about his swim level, and I know he is not as good as he thinks, so his father has signed him up for another swim class to help him.  It can be embarrassing when you are as tall as he is, but his safety is more important than his pride.

You already know I am going to bring a spiritual twist, so here it goes.


I love this generation of thinkers, this group of young people are fearless!  They think about things we have never tried, and they are not scared to jump!  The only problem is that they are wandering into the deep, but some have not been taught to swim at that level.
I talk to people all the time, and if you went by what they say... you would believe they were Olympic medalists cutting through life like a sharks!  But the truth of the matter is they are only floating or swimming at a amateur level.  Fun in the water can fool you.   I realize if they wandered into the deep end or if rough waters come, without help they would go under, and if those around them are not skilled to help in the time of crisis, it can get worse.  It is hard to convince someone already in the water that they need more training, another class... or two.  Sometimes pride can creep in when they see their peers swimming in the deep.  We need a better line of communication with the kids when they are young and make swim lessons (mentoring)  the norm. We should be preparing children to do life.


Something that has recently come into the light is called Dry Drowning and Secondary Drowning.  I heard about this years ago, and it concerned me when it came to my kids.  With Dry Drowning, the water never gets into the lungs, but breathing in water causes the vocal cords to swell making it hard for the child to breathe.  This is noticeable right away and easier to get help with.  With Secondary Drowning, it happens when water does get in the lungs, but not enough to initially drown you.  There are immediate signs that there is difficulty, but it may just look like symptoms of stress from the first episode.  If not dealt with, days later the lungs can get irritated and build up fluid causing a 'second drowning'.  Both instances are tragic and can result in the unnecessary loss of life.  
Again, think about the people you teach and mentor at your church, your personal time or ministry.  Knowing and understanding the guidelines that God gives us for life can help them not be overwhelmed by life.  Sometimes this group takes too much in, and they choke for a moment, then they look alright.  But unless we walk with them, we will miss the signs that something is horribly wrong.  I have talked with people that go through tough times and they LOOK like they are okay when they come out, but days or even years later, we see the signs that they are not at all well.  It is easier to walk with them and watch them, than to let irritations persist and try to save them when too much damage has been done.  We have in our circles people who are in the midst of drowning.



I encourage every person who helps as a life coach, to pay attention to those you mentor.  Don't just throw in a life line when they are out in the deep, sometimes you have to pull them ashore, check them out and let them know, they need more training.  We need to walk with them, watch them and ensure that whatever is bothering them they have moments to get it out. 

For them, it may be hard to get past the pride, especially  if they are older and already tasted the deep waters. but as a parent and a coach, we really love people, and since we do,  we make sure before they get back  in the water... they can handle it. 

For the young ones, think about how far they can go, how much they can do if they learn to swim life well.  If they never learn the balanced lessons of integrity, humility, gratefulness, forgiveness along with other life lessons, they will soon take on too much.  Just learning to float or avoid water all together takes away from the fearless, strong generation they are.  

If we want to see God move greatly in this next generation, we will need to take out all stops.  Remove every hindrance that will try to block them, teach them well, hold them accountable for what they have been taught then stay near them as we watch them SWIM!