Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Leggings in Church? Changing Traditions!

Times have changed.  There was a time that you could not or would not consider wearing leggings in church.  Hats on men were not worn and lap scarves for women were required, but times have changed.  We are more concerned with making sure everyone feels welcomed so we don't talk clothing much anymore.  Then there are the people, older people who gravitate towards the changes too much.  It is like seeing your science teacher in a bikini.  It doesn't always set well. 

This blog is not to examine church dress -what is or is not appropriate, but if you will humor me for a minute, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that our churches have changed as well.  Many are high tech, they have more online presence than they do in house. We don't hold bibles as much, many choose to download and use their electronic devices.  They are still getting the word, but they can also Google questions they have about your message!  Our facility set up requires something that looks modern as to not discourage the new and upcoming converts.  Sometimes this change does not set well with the older parishioners, while the younger ones are looking for something that works for them.  So what do we do? 


Let's talk leggings again. I admit,  I wear leggings to church.  But because I know my body type, and I understand my age... I don't wear them like a teenager.  I slip them under a dress or long top and   I only choose  the thick ones, not the see thru stuff.   I also have grown fond of 'cold shoulder' tops.  I like them for two reason, they are cute... and HOT FLASHES!  Everything is not about trying to keep up with the times, sometimes there are life changes and we adjust to survive.  It is like sleeping and putting one foot outside the covers when it gets hot... cool shoulders help with hot flashes. In the midst of all that, I still pay attention to the setting and use wisdom depending on where I am going. 
You may wonder what any of this has to do with the church.  Well many churches are feeling the effect of a younger demographic that wants to experience what their generation finds normal, what they find comfortable.  This includes the technology and freedoms they live with along with the environment in church that they feel they belong in.  Often as a church we have traditions and ways that don't really allow for that.


If we really want to evangelize and reach the next generation, we need to understand the times and the seasons. Taking time to pay attention to the needs of this generation is pertinent, after all they will be taking our places one day.  Sometimes we have to admit that the bait we're  used to is not working for this group.   We have to switch our bait to catch a different fish.   To many of us our methods are simply traditional, and traditions are hard to break in the minds of those keeping them.   If you're fishing in a particular spot with no results, is time to change your bait and tactics.   In light of the older generations in the congregation that may not like the changes, well...  honestly, we find a way to work with them, but many of them are now on social media, have cell phones and this world is really forcing all of us to adjust.  When it comes to the gospel of Jesus Christ, don't forget it is really all about getting people to Jesus.  It is okay to change because our traditions are not sacred... but one thing is...


I love brussel sprouts, my son does not.  In my attempt to get him to taste them, I have to do more than sauté or boil them.  They need to be hidden in the midst of something else with a really good sauce or cheese!  Depending on how important it is to me for him to try them, I will adjust my recipe to his taste, but the bottom line recipe will always include the brussel sprouts.
In changing times, one thing that does not change is the message.  God is the author of His word and He reveals to us what it is that He requires.  The hard thing about changing times is that it can challenge the message as much as it does the methods, but to reach people, the message must remain.  We can't afford to fill our churches with people that will never occupy heaven because of a watered down message.  How we deliver the message can change, we can add a little spice to it and make it even more palatable, but at the end it has to be the same message God gave us to give.  With my brussel sprouts, if I play my cards right, I have not only been successful at getting my son to taste them, but I  too can continue to enjoy them in a new way.
The bible talks about soul winners being wise.  We have to be like the Sons of Isscachar and know the times and the seasons, but still be able to uphold the word of God as we give it to a new generation.  If we miss the opportunity to reach the new, when the old has gone away.... there will be no harvest.  

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Why Should God Answer That Prayer?

I recently found myself talking to God about a young woman who is in need of prayer.  Without thinking, I began to tell God about her age, her situation and her children.  I knew that unless He intervened, it could be difficult for everyone involved.  I mentioned her finances, her health and how her children would be hit if things got any worse.  I was really putting on my spiritual attorney hat and laying a case before God as to WHY He should answer this particular prayer.  My argument was pretty solid, she was a young woman serving God and we all know that God has only good plans for us.  This prayer was going to be answered just because GOD KNOWS.
Before I went much further, God stopped me. "So Why Should I Answer That Prayer?" 
I was a bit stunned, it seemed obvious to me why this prayer should be answered, but just as soon as I got the question, I remembered Who I talking to; this was not a conversation with people.
Many times in life we forget that God is not human.  Yes, Jesus became human and is touched by the feelings or our infirmities, but He is governed by the word of God.  His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not ours.  We think that if we give Him a sad enough story with details, then we can kind of 'bribe' Him into answering our prayers because He pities us- but God in not like man.  He is not moved by tears, by pain or by sad circumstances that mirror a lifetime movie.  God is only moved by faith.


Faith and fear walk close together sometimes. If we are not careful, we can end up praying in FEAR not in FAITH without even knowing it.  Fear can fool us because our emotions are in it.  It can feel like faith because we want it so badly and are willing to do whatever we can to see  that prayer answered.  As an example take a person who is praying for a loved one who doctors say they can no longer do anything for.  We can pray on a level we don't normally pray on when we REALLY want God to answer.  We can be forceful, confident and persistent- but is that due to faith or fear?  Don't get me wrong, it can be a prayer of faith, but thinking that God will answer only because your emotions are involved, is not faith.  Faith believes God even when the answer is not clear, when we don't even know if He will do what we are asking. Faith is consistent, it does not waver due to circumstances. If we are living by faith, then we can pray in faith without having to rely on theatrics. 
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast and immovable. Always excel in the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.  
1 Corinthians 15:58


God loves when we remind Him of what He has said.  He recognizes faith when circumstances do not look good, but we remind Him that He is.   He loves when we can stand on His word and know that He answers prayers for His namesake, not ours. You have to know His word to remind Him of it, faith does not work without God's word.  The bible says "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God"  If you really want answers to prayer, you first need His word, remind Him of His word then remind Him that His name in on the line, not yours.  After praying in faith, allow God to work things out and answer according to His will, His timing and His Plan.
If you are moved by a situation that you or someone else is facing, it is fine to cry, it is fine to feel the pain of what you are dealing with... but after you get it out of your system for a moment, dry your eyes and pray in faith.  Lay aside all the emotion that makes you feel fearful or anxious, and simply talk to the God you love and serve.  He does not have to be convinced to answer your prayer, just remind Him- He promised.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Only God Can Judge Me!

I remember the first time I got a ticket, (well actually 4 tickets),  I was in my early 20's and a bit devastated,  I didn't know what to expect.  As I stood before the judge, she asked me. "How do you plead?"   I froze because I didn't know what I was supposed to do.  Everyone I knew said they always plead 'Not Guilty' and if the police officer does not show up, they get off.  But while standing there as a believer, I froze... I knew all the charges were accurate and I knew that pleading not guilty would basically be a lie. I struggled in my mind for a moment and the judge interrupted my thoughts and said again, "Ms. Hill, What do you plead?"  I looked up at her and replied "I don't know what I am supposed to do."  She asked me again for my plea, and I said "Guilty."  She looked at me strangely, began writing and after a moment, she gave me my verdict.  I left there paying less than $100 for 4 tickets. Since then, I have grown in grace and don't try to fight genuine tickets with a lie. 


I recently read a story about a man who was being sentenced for torturing his estranged wife and for killing their 4 children in front of her.  She was giving a heartbreaking victim statement that could chill the hearts of everyone listening.  She described the children individually and talked about the toil his actions have taken on her, her family, her health and her mind.  When she finished and the judge gather her composure, she asked if the man had anything to say.  I know there are times in life when silence is best.  I was REALLY hoping this would be one of them.  But no, like all of us, he had to have his say.  I missed most of what he was trying to convey to the judge and the audience in the courtroom  because I was hoping he didn't say anything short of confession or an attempt at an apology, but what I did hear him say was  "God, is God, He knows my heart." 
I think we have to be careful when we assume that our hearts are the best thing to be judged by and since God knows our heart, or really our emotions... that we can get away with doing things because people don't understand our heart, our hurts or our motives.   We have to admit that without God governing our hearts, we are wicked by nature.  That is why we give Him our hearts and He in turn promises to take our stony heart and give us a heart of flesh.  We are all subject to do and say things from a harsh place, not consider others, ourselves or the God who is love.  But even with our attempt to believe our hearts have a good reason for our actions, one thing is right.  God will judge them.


Many times when someone is in a situation that they know judgment is pending or due, we often hear the words "God is my Judge." We all know that He is and ultimately regardless to what others say or think about us, He will have the final word.  Sometimes these words are used because we are wrong and we don't want to hear about it. Other times it may come from someone who feels that they live better than we do and they are trying to take on a superior stance in the midst of our error.  Other times is becomes an excuse to not adhere to the things we know are right.  The bible says to "Judge the Righteous Judgment"  None of us fit that except God, He is the ONLY RIGHTEOUS ONE. 

With that said, we have to understand that God is His Word, which means until He comes back, or until we die and face Him... His word is the judge.  It tells us that we are guilty and need His defense.  If we want to follow God without feeling condemned, we have to adhere to His word.  His word is not to condemn us, but to cause us to recognize how far we are from Him.  He wants to have us run to Him knowing that we need Him.  He loves us and has paid the price for our sin.  We don't have to continue doing what we know is wrong and attempt to  excuse it, we can actually be free!  He is the Judge, Jury, Executioner and Payment for our sin.  Thank God for GRACE!


 Life shows us the obvious.
  • A person who lived a harsh life and died in the midst of a criminal act.
  • Someone who committed suicide or killed someone else. 
  • A leader who treats others badly or is unforgiving or cruel.
  • A 'minister' who's language or methods reach people in a way that seems unnecessary. 
  •  Someone who is living a life full of addictions and excess
  • A person who pleads "Not Guilty" to a guilty offense
We have to remember there is an ultimate Judge who will decide on all of this.   We are only called to love people, point them to the best Defense Lawyer there ever was and live a life that pleases God by  trusting Him and His word to guide us.  We have all sinned and fallen short, but we do have a way out.
So in closing, if you decide to stand before a traffic judge here on earth and say "Not Guilty" when you know you are, I will not say a word.  I have too much to be grateful for and too much I am guilty of....  As for you and your plea, You be the judge of that!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

This Body WORKS!

Our bodies.  We need them and we like them to look good!  When we take care of them and treat them right, they respond by being healthy and enabling us to fulfill purpose.  So much time is spent on what to put on them, in them and who to share them with, but even with all that we can do in these bodies, they are the LEAST of who we are. 
Bodies are temporary housing for who we really are, yet  God uses 'the body' to describe the church.   God made this body- so no one else will understand fully the functions and miracle of it.   One thing I appreciate about God using the body as an example of the church, is the realization that we are made of many members. Whether we like it or not, we are supposed to be different and have differing functions. Many times as a church body, we assume that everyone should be doing what we do. I have worked in ministry many years and it still amazes me how impatient we are with those who are different than us.  We are made to be different.  Our upbringing, customs, ideas, thoughts, our likes or dislikes.  We have one common goal as a body of believers -but we reach it through our differences. 

A few years ago, I heard someone speaking about what they did and how they loved doing it.  Soon into their talk, they started putting the pressure on others to do what they did.  The conversation was riddled with ridicule that others could not see what they saw, and were not taking on the task to do what they did.  They went so far as to say that people needed to get over being scared and just do it, after all they did.    This is why we need to understand Body Ministry.  

Everyone should be that gung-ho about their area, they should feel empowered and fulfilled in their area of giftedness.  If it is purposeful, they should not burn out easily and should get great joy in doing it!  BUT, not everyone is called to do what you do. 

To make it practical I will use myself as an example.  I love to teach and I love working with children.  I have served in prison ministry and enjoyed that as well.  I don't have a problem getting in front of a crowd and teaching or talking on a particular topic.  That is not true of some people, they are just as talented, just as capable, but they prefer to work in the background- not up front. They would not be comfortable in prisons, may never want to enter one.  Others would get anxious if they were left in a room with 20 toddlers or even high school students.  
On the other hand, I have been asked to do tasks that I really know I am not good at, I get horribly nervous and really don't want to do.  The only reason I do some of those tasks, is to help in a pinch,  other times I agree to do it,  because I realize God MIGHT be using this to stretch me.  As part of the body of Christ, we have to know and understand our place, and respect the place of others.



 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.  Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.  And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.  If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?  But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be?  As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

The bible lets us know that we are all needed and we all have a place in the body of Christ.  The worst thing we can do  is act like we are insignificant and are not needed and do nothing.  When you arm is not functioning well, it causes stress on the rest of the body and others have to take up the slack to do life.   Your not doing or knowing your place, makes it hard on the rest.   But in the same since, not everyone can do what you do!  When we are carrying a load, we want help.  But my foot is not made to do what my hands do.  I need ....more hands.   If the foot becomes a hand, how then can we walk?  

BODY PARTS- Get in where you fit in!

 Here is a very simple and practical way to look at the body and how we may work in the Kingdom:

If you are...

A Mouth:  is made to speak- not just talk, but proclaim truth.
The Hands: are made to help by serving tangible needs.
The Feet: are made to "Go."  to carry the body, it may be abroad or on the streets.
The Arms: are made to hold, to embrace those who are hurting and comfort them.
Now before someone pulls out their study notes to challenges this... know that this is simply an illustration of how a body works!  God has really deep things in His word, but He also has very simple things that help us get the message.  We basically know how our body works.
The inner workings are all God's design.  He is the brain; He give us direction, Jesus the heart; He is our example of loving and forgiving,  and the Holy spirit works like our conscience. He will remind us and give us nudges to move and do God's good pleasure.
 What part are you? 
At God's bidding, any of us can serve in any area at anytime, and we do.  But knowing where your strength is and what you do best allows you to fit in the body and work purposefully and efficiently.  Not everyone can sit in hospitals for long times talking to someone who needs it, not everyone can comfortably stand on a stage in front of people.  Spending your time training to do what is hard for you will only produce minimal results.  Building and doing what you do best and increasing knowledge in that area will produce great results. 
Get in where you fit in! So you know you are part of a great body, a strong body, a healthy body.  But we need everyone to serve where you belong.  Understand that at anytime God may use you to cover for someone who is absent but He will grace you to do that.  Don't leave your area lacking, it only hurts the overall goal that God has for His body to reach this world.  We need you, this world needs YOU.

This wonderfully made body works best when every joint supplies!