I want to start by apologizing to you.
If you are someone who has watched my journey over the years, I kind of owe you of an apology for how my life looks now. Don't get me wrong, I am not backslidden or on the verge of a breakdown. In fact, I am on the brink of a breakthrough! I am living and discovering my purpose more every day. I don't apologize at all for going forward or for being blessed, but with all that is going well in my life, I know that without realizing it, I may have caused some to misunderstand my journey.
I'm not overreacting or 'in my feelings' I know that some may not see things clearly because of the comments I receive often like:
"Divorce sure looks good on you!"
"You are doing so much better than before!"
"Your kids are doing great and progressing!"
"You seem so much happier!"
"You look radiant!"
I love you and thank you for kind words and for praying for me and my kids. I don't know how people function without great support around them. But, I don't want you to get the wrong impression. Some have thought that there is a secret that allows me to progress. That I have a super connection and inward strength that is not available to others. The life I am living now is not because of me. I am a kept woman! The only thing I have added to my life that has increased it's value and my joy, is the ability to really listen to, and lean on God. I've learned to acknowledge Him and choose not to be bitter or angry. That's all. There was no secret formula that I discovered that helped me to forgive, or urged me to follow my purpose. There is not a hidden path that leads to prosperity and peace. There is NO SECRET! God has revealed the path to all of His children. Our job is to accept it, apply it and share it.
DIVORCE: Not recommended....
DISCLAIMER: These comments on divorce are not for those suffering abuse.
I know like anyone else who has gone through it, divorce hurts. No one gets married thinking they want a divorce, we believe it is going to be forever or at least for the long haul. We say "I do" because 'we do'. Especially when we pray about marriage before entering into it's covenant, we enter it with the intention and expectation of working to make it good. When we hold our tongue, struggle through financial issues and misunderstandings, we are not thinking divorce is the easy way out. We are willing to deal with difficulties to stay in it. To most of us divorce is not plan B. Unfortunately there are times you are faced with something that was not your choice. You can be left with a decision you now have to live with.
Ending a marriage is never easy, it is not good for the kids or the extended family. There are times that my mind still wanders and it hurts. I still get angry and wonder 'why?' I sometimes find myself feeling discouraged or almost depressed. Often when things get difficult, I may try to affix blame. But to who? I have to take my share as well, so I end up having to let that response go.
My children have had their share of tears and pain, questions and confusion. I have sat and watched them cry without being able to really answer their hurt. I've kept my head up despite the circumstances, not because it wanted to be up, but because my kids deserved the effort. Divorce is not fun.
The reason I am apologizing is because somehow a few folks have looked at me and figured they could just end their relationship and fare as well. Others have thought that I have a 'special' connection with God that exempts me from the drama. Both of these assumptions couldn't be further from the truth. Planning to do this does not guarantee peace on the other side and no... there is nothing unique about us that has allowed us to weather the (divorce) storm as well as we have.
Right now I can honestly say, the only reason why we have done as well as we have, is because of God. Because we chose to accept and apply His word even when it didn't feel good. We chose to forgive because God said to, not because it felt fair. My relationship with God, is just that. My relationship with HIM. He helps me even with my weird ways, and He knows how to motivate me. I don't always have to talk to everyone else to get rebuked or encouraged. (although it helps) So many days when I am really on the verge of 'an ungodly reaction' He speaks. He reminds me that I am okay and He's got my back. Even when people with good intentions want to 'help' me fight and get back at people, God reminds me- that is not HIS way. That is the typical way to respond and my life with God is anything but typical. He has really been there even when I didn't want Him to be. I wanted to wallow in self pity and feel bad as long as I could, thinking it would make me feel good. But that is such a waste of time, purpose and energy. The enemy would have LOVED that. But no... I know and recognize my true enemy, and he will not prevail.
After the divorce, when it dawned on me that I was an unmarried parent, I had a talk with God.
I said:
I said:
"Lord, I know everything has not been perfect in my marriage, but I thought he was a decent husband. So since Your word says 'You are my Husband' I need You to be a MUCH better Husband than he was. With my finances, my kids, everything that he did okay, I expect You to show me how great of a Husband You are."
Mind you, this was not a momentary prayer that I didn't follow up on. I prayed and reminded God often when things got tight. I can't tell you how consistent my bills have been paid, how well my kids are doing or how much my purpose has been supported. I've done things that I was never able to do before, because of my HUSBAND.
If you or anyone you know is contemplating divorce, I DO NOT recommend it. God still hates divorce, but He has given us free will. Because of that free will, we choose sometimes opposite of God's will. This realization is not meant to condemn you, God has not condemned you and neither will I. Circumstances are different for everyone, talk to God, hear His heart and trust Him. I always remind myself that an individual's relationship with God is always more important than a marriage. If you have to lose one or the other.......choose well.
Remember divorce is not an easy journey, your kids, your family, your mind, your future, your purpose and your God...deserve a strong fight to stay in there, not just to be in it- but make it good. A relationship that you love being in, one that blesses your family and glorifies God. But if you have already gone through a breakup, or if you tried and things still go different than you desired... know that God will bring you through it on top, if you trust Him. Let go of your right to be angry, the right to fight them or hold on to the hurt. Let go of all the typical responses that surround you and allow God's spirit to help you do life victoriously.
1 Corinthians 10:13
"No temptation has overtaken you that is unusual for human beings. But God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. Instead, along with the temptation He will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to endure it."
I apologize if somehow you misunderstood my life as it is now. If I took too long to remind you, divorce is hard, but God makes things good and gives us peace when we follow Him. Yes, I am fulfilled, I am following my purpose and my kids are blessed and still know their God. Funny thing is that my ex-husband is too. We are blessed not by default, or by FAULT, but by HIS GRACE. God can still cause purpose to be fulfilled, He can bless our kids and direct their paths. He causes our finances to be on point and our house to be at peace. It is only through HIM, not how well we look like we are doing. By following God, by accepting and applying His word- we gain life. You are not the only one going through difficulties, just be sure you are one of the ones that flourishes! Flourish in HIM.