Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I'm Sorry If I Deceived You..

I want to start by apologizing to you.

If you are someone who has watched my journey over the years, I kind of owe you of an apology for how my life looks now.  Don't get me wrong, I am not backslidden or on the verge of a breakdown.  In fact, I am on the brink of a breakthrough! I am living and discovering my purpose more every day.  I don't apologize at all for going forward or for being blessed, but with all that is going well in my life, I know that without realizing it, I may have caused some to misunderstand my journey.  
I'm not overreacting or 'in my feelings'  I know that some may not see things clearly because of the comments I receive often like: 

                                                      "Divorce sure looks good on you!"
 "You are doing so much better than before!"
"Your kids are doing great and progressing!"
                    "You seem so much happier!"
"You look radiant!"
I love you and thank you for kind words and for praying for me and my kids.  I don't know how people function without great support around them.  But, I don't want you to get the wrong impression. Some have thought that there is a secret that allows me to progress.  That I have a super connection and inward strength that is not available to others.  The life I am living now is not because of me.  I am a kept woman!  The only thing I have added to my life that has increased it's value and my joy,  is the ability to really listen to, and lean on God.  I've learned to  acknowledge Him and choose not to be bitter or angry. That's all.  There was no secret formula that I discovered that helped me to forgive, or urged me to follow my purpose. There is not a hidden path that leads to prosperity and peace.   There is NO SECRET!  God has revealed the path to all of His children.  Our job is to  accept it, apply it and share it.

DIVORCE:  Not recommended.... 

DISCLAIMER: These comments on divorce are not for those suffering abuse.

I know like anyone else who has gone through it, divorce hurts.  No one gets married thinking they want a divorce, we  believe it is going to be forever or at least for the long haul.  We say "I do" because 'we do'.  Especially when we pray about marriage before entering into it's covenant, we enter it with the intention and expectation of working to make it good.  When we hold our tongue, struggle through financial issues and misunderstandings, we are not thinking divorce is the easy way out.  We are willing to deal with difficulties to stay in it. To most of us divorce is not plan B.  Unfortunately there are times you are faced with something that was not your choice.  You can be left with a decision you now have to live with.
Ending a marriage is never easy, it is not good for the kids or the extended family.  There are times that my mind still wanders and it hurts.  I still get angry and wonder 'why?' I sometimes find myself feeling discouraged or almost depressed.  Often when things get difficult, I may try to affix blame.  But to who?  I have to take my share as well, so I end up having to let that response go.
My children have had their share of tears and pain, questions and confusion.  I have sat and watched them cry without being able to really answer their hurt.  I've kept my head up despite the circumstances, not because it wanted to be up, but because my kids deserved the effort.  Divorce is not fun. 
The reason I am apologizing is because somehow a few folks have looked at me and figured they could just end their relationship and fare as well.  Others have thought that I have a 'special' connection with God that exempts me from the drama.  Both of these assumptions couldn't be further from the truth.  Planning to do this does not guarantee peace on the other side and no... there is nothing unique about us that has allowed us to weather the (divorce) storm as well as we have.


Right now I can honestly say, the only reason why we have done as well as we have, is because of God.  Because we chose to accept and apply His word even when it didn't feel good.  We chose to forgive because God said to, not because it felt fair.  My relationship with God, is just that.  My relationship with HIM.  He helps me even with my weird ways, and He knows how to motivate me.  I don't always have to talk to everyone else to get rebuked or encouraged. (although it helps)  So many days when I am really on the verge of 'an ungodly reaction' He speaks.  He reminds me that I am okay and He's got my back.  Even when people with good intentions want to 'help' me fight and get back at people, God reminds me- that is not HIS way.  That is the typical way to respond and my life with God is anything but typical.  He has really been there even when I didn't want Him to be.  I wanted to wallow in self pity and feel bad as long as I could, thinking it would make me feel good.  But that is such a waste of time, purpose and energy.  The enemy would have LOVED that.  But no... I know and recognize my true enemy, and he will not prevail.


After the divorce, when it dawned on me that I was an unmarried parent, I had a talk with God. 
I said:

"Lord, I know everything has not been perfect in my marriage, but I thought he was a decent husband.  So since Your word says 'You are my  Husband' I need You to be a MUCH better Husband than he was.  With my finances, my kids, everything that he did okay, I expect You to show me how great of a Husband You are." 

Mind you, this was not a momentary prayer that  I didn't follow up on.  I prayed and reminded God often when things got tight.  I can't tell you how consistent my bills have been paid, how well my kids are doing or how much my purpose has been supported.   I've done things that I was never able to do before, because of my HUSBAND.

If you or anyone you know is contemplating divorce, I DO NOT recommend it.  God still hates divorce, but He has given us free will.  Because of that free will, we choose sometimes opposite of God's will.  This realization is not meant to condemn you, God has not condemned you and neither will I.   Circumstances are different for everyone, talk to God, hear His heart and trust Him.  I always remind myself that an individual's relationship with God is always more important than a marriage.  If you have to lose one or the other.......choose well. 
Remember divorce is not an easy journey, your kids, your family, your mind, your future, your purpose and your God...deserve a strong fight to stay in there, not just to be in it- but make it good.  A relationship that you love being in, one that blesses your family and glorifies God.    But if you have already gone through a breakup, or if you tried and things still go different than you desired... know that God will bring you through it on top, if you trust Him.  Let go of your right to be angry, the right to fight them or hold on to the hurt.  Let go of all the typical responses that surround you and allow God's spirit to help you do life victoriously. 

1 Corinthians 10:13

"No temptation has overtaken you that is unusual for human beings. But God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. Instead, along with the temptation He will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to endure it."

I apologize if somehow you misunderstood my life as it is now.  If I took too long to remind you, divorce is hard, but God makes things good and gives us peace when we follow Him.  Yes, I am fulfilled, I am following my purpose and my kids are blessed and still know their God.  Funny thing is that my ex-husband is too.  We are blessed not by default, or by FAULT,  but by HIS GRACE.    God can still cause purpose to be fulfilled, He can bless our kids and direct their paths.  He causes our finances to be on point and our house to be at peace.  It is only through HIM, not how well we look like we are doing.  By following God, by accepting and applying His word- we gain life.  You are not the only one going through difficulties, just be sure you are one of the ones that flourishes!  Flourish in HIM.

God always has a way of escape for us.... Escape with CLASS!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Habit of Love!

I am a creature of habit. 
Those who know me well, will attest to this.  I live every day with guidelines and to do lists, they help me function.  I don't always like change, but I have learned that it's good in many ways.  When I went through a relationship change, I found that some things that changed in me were good.  I embraced the new way of life and found out a lot about myself.  Along with the physical and emotional changes, I found that there were things about me that were not true anymore, among those things was my Love Language.
What is yours?

Love Language

Many of you have already read and discovered your love language.  If you have not, I encourage you to do so and find out about those close to you.  While counseling couples and individuals over the years, this was often an area that we covered to help people know how to effectively love their spouse or children.   As a habit, we typically tend to love people how we want to be loved.  If we love getting gifts, we may be prone to shower someone with gifts, not realizing they may just want to sit and watch a movie.  Or perhaps we are spending a lot of time with someone, but we don't let them know how we feel about them.   Loving people the way we want to be loved is good, but if it does not work for them, if it has become a habit, we should consider changing.  It takes more commitment from us to listen and to ask questions, to observe those we love and simply pay attention.  Men typically lean towards Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch, but don't put them in a box and think that is all they need.  Women are known to want Gifts and Quality Time, but again, we have to pay attention to who we love, not make a habit that we assume still works.

 Love Language After Divorce

Before 2012, my love language was Acts of Service and Quality Time. That is what people knew about me, that is what I knew about myself.  I enjoyed hanging with my family, watching movies and  I felt loved when the lawn was cut, something in the house was fixed or when my car was washed!  This is what worked for me and I knew and understood it, it became my habit of love, or my habit of feeling loved.   When my marriage ended, I reexamined these areas because something about love seemed to have changed.
I found that sometimes in an attempt to be loved and feel loved, we take what we are getting.  We didn't have much chance for  Quality Time, so I think I may have adopted Acts of Service as a means of measuring love.  The truth is, I used to wash my own car, get the oil changed and worked in my yard years before ever getting married; so that didn't really prove to me that I was loved.   It wasn't until I admitted that after 20 years of marriage, I had settled in a rut; I had substituted real love for a habit of thinking I felt loved, that I had to ask myself, .... "What is my love language?" 

After searching myself and being honest with how I feel now, I have found that I either no longer have  Acts of Service as a primary language, or it simply changed.  In the past few years I finally came to realize that my love language is found in:

Quality Time and Words of Affirmation. 

(I still like the car washed though)

Life can give us situations that we need to grow through.  Somehow as difficult as it was to admit, I actually needed more affirmations than I had before. Difficult to admit when my life prior to was not dependent on others input or opinions of me.   I realize that many of us go through things and don't see the impact it can have on how we feel about love or how we feel about ourselves.  I found myself wanting to KNOW that I an loved instead of going through motions.   I am not sure if  my love language changed after the divorce or if I always had the same need, but adjusted to what I knew I would receive.  Either way, here is my encouragement for you.


We are living creatures, much like these plants.  We need room to grow, we need an environment that is conducive to growth, we need to be fed, watered, and nurtured if we are going to grow.  We are all changing and developing every day.  If you have been married or in a relationship any length of time, realize that your spouse may look the same, but they may be very different on the inside.  Allow for each other to grow in and out of what love looked like before. 
Because we are living beings, we are moving beings.  We are not always encouraged the same way, we may not always have the same appetites so we have to be open again to CHANGE.  Sometimes we can get in a default mode to avoid conflict. We have a list of things that help us do life, but unlike plants, we won't just automatically bloom every year.  We have to know what helps us bloom and what lends to us being our best, and our spouse their best.    
Anyone who tells you that your relationship is so unique and it is going to work just because you 'love' each other, has lied to you.  Love is seen not just in how you respond to someone, but how you continue to examine the response they need. Take time to evaluate your love language, see if you are showing and receiving what is needed to have a strong connection.  Every relationship takes work, this is your relationship, feed it , nurture it and watch it grow.

I can't end without a note about our God.  If we are truly in a RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, it takes nothing less.  Knowing His heart and  talking to Him about our relationship.  Spending quality time with Him, praising Him with words of affirmation and our acts of service in His house.  The greatest gift we can give Him is our heart, then He in turn gives us all that ...along with a physical touch!  He so loves us, if you don't know Him, take time to talk to Him.  He knows what we need, He knows where He is taking us. He has plans and as we follow Him, not only will we be greatly loved, but we will also understand how to love back. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Embrace Your Healing, Embrace the Blessing!

It is funny what a camera can capture.

We have all seen the embarrassing footage of people doing odd things when they thought no one could see them.  Sometimes it is laughable, other times we feel a slight cringe, knowing we have done some of the same things.  My pastor once said "Don't do in private what you don't want seen in public."  At first this advice sounded strange, but after hearing his explanation I understood.  He said that many times we can get in the 'habit' of doing things, and we may forget we are in public and repeat the private habits- in public. I am sure many of us can identify with that.  The hope is that in this camera ready world, no one has one ready and pointed our way.
I remember a private home security video that went  public last year with over 72.4 million views!   It was footage from a family's garage of a trespasser who entered in their garage every day to steal a hug from their dog.  This young boy would ride his bike to the end of the garage every day after school and run into their garage, hug the dog quickly, and run back to his bike to escape.   Of course this private moment for him was captured by the homeowners.  The backstory is about a young boy who's dog died and his mother refused to get him another one.  This was his way of coping with the brokenness of his little heart.  He was unaware that the camera was rolling or that what he was doing in private for his own reasons, would soon be public.  Now that it is out there, I couldn't help but think about what we could learn from this little boy, from his innocent act.


Many of us have been through life changing circumstances that have left us broken.  Whether it is a relationship that was lost, a loved one that has passed away, a job that ended wrong, or even a friendship that turned sour.  So many things we deal with from day to day and often we expect people to help us through every moment, every day, every way they can.  
But they can't. 
Sometimes we have to embrace our own healing.  People were never meant to walk us through every problem and give solutions that work for us.  One reason, God will never give anyone His place in your life and another reason, people actually have lives that can't accommodate all of you.  So what do you do?  Embrace your healing!  Find out what you can do to be whole and do it.
I realize the little boy had a simple issue.  He lost his dog, and couldn't get another one.  His mother said they really didn't have time to give to another dog and perhaps the pain of seeing their son suffer from the loss added to the decision.  But it is interesting to me that when the boy realized it may not happen, he went with another plan.  He chose to borrow affection from another person's dog.  He found what he needed somewhere else and gave himself to it, even if just for a moment.

I remember years ago counseling a couple that was having difficulty conceiving.  They tried for a long time with no success.  The doctors didn't give them much hope in having a child naturally and one of them was a bit open to adoption, the other was not.  After listening to them and hearing their hearts, I could tell they had a lot to offer, but they were hurting.   I prayed as I listened to them, because I already knew the direction God was giving me for them.  I found a time to insert what I felt they needed to hear, and asked them why they had not really considered adoption.  After hearing all the reasons, I simply said.  "Adoption does not mean you give up on having your own, it just means that while you are waiting, you sow towards what you want." 
Sometimes we have to give in areas that we want to receive, volunteer in areas that we are lacking and help those who are hurting just like we are.




When we learn to press through our issues and find the silver lining, that is about the time we are setting ourselves up to embrace the blessing! I'm not saying we can 'trick' God into blessing us by doing something short term just to get what we want.  God knows better than that and we should too!  What it means is when we learn to be content where we are, when we learn to sow into the lives of others, when we learn to look for the joy and press past the cross, we find the blessing!  In the midst of thinking of others and reaching out to others, we bless ourselves.  The little boy thought he was getting a  comforting hug, but the dog was also receiving a blessing!  The bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive and when we capture that truth, we realize that we always hold the ability to be blessed.  It is in giving unselfishly.

Today the young couple has a happy seven  year old son that they adopted from an infant.  They are blessed.    They are still hoping for a child from their loins, but you can't tell them God has not blessed them with a child of their own.  In the process a child who needed a home, has one.

Like the little boy in the video, do whatever you need to do without hurting others to get the next blessed thing.  If you are not in a relationship with someone else, be in one with yourself and God!  Learn to use your gifts and experiences to  help others and embrace them as well.... they probably need it as much as you do.
Loving others is therapeutic.  We can love our way out of poor self image, we can love our way out of the emotional problems from a dysfunctional childhood.  We can love our way out of many things that hurt us because LOVE CONQUERS ALL.   Remember, you can't hug someone without feeling the hug yourself.  When you are hurting, don't wait for everyone else to help you.  Sometimes it is up to us to embrace our own healing, and by faith we believe we will eventually also embrace our blessing!

Oh, by the way: 

The young boy 'Josh', he has his own puppy now!  ( but he still visits his neighbor's dog)


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Fake News & Photoshopped Visions!


Whether we want to believe it or not, Fake News exists and it is real.
I don't know how many articles I've read on social media and thought, "That can't be true!" after looking it up and simple fact checking, I found there was no truth to it at all.  Sometimes you know it must be fake, because if it was true... people would be in a complete uproar!  But so many don't fact check, they read the news, share the news and proclaim it as true.  Once everyone is in an uproar, someone decides to check it, but by then our emotions and thoughts have already been compromised.  Whether we realize it or not, we are part of the problem.
In our nation some laugh and others scoff at the very mention of "Fake News" but there is a basis for calling some of it fake. I don't agree that everything we hear from major networks is wrong, but I do realize that it is normal for them to tell a biased story, or only give the facts they want to share because it gives the desired result.  Because of this, we have learned to question everything and almost believe nothing.

 This blog today is not meant to fix our world's politics or the way it functions, today we want to deal with FAKE NEWS in the world you live in.


2 Timothy 4:1-8
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.  But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.                               

 In the Church, we also have problems with FAKE NEWS disguised as GOOD NEWS.

The funny thing is the Good News is exactly that!  It is good news for everyone.  We all have a place that God has prepared for us, but to get there we have to accept what His son,  Jesus has done for us, the price He paid for our sins.   Fake News wants us to believe that anything goes and that our lives are only going to be full of prosperity and good stuff... That my friend, as good as it sounds it is Fake News.
 My pastor said  "It costs you nothing to get Him (Jesus) but it will cost you everything to follow Him."   His yoke is easy and His burden is light, but most of us are carrying our own yokes and burdens, that is why life is so heavy!  He tells us to cast our cares on Him, but we often just vent them on social media and get the 100 likes from people who are basically going through the same thing we are.  We openly thank God for things that He has not given to us, it was just something we wanted; then when we lose it, it looks like good news was fake news.
The real deal is that fake news in not new.  God knew there was going to be a day that we would hear the truth and take it as a lie.  We would decide what we want to believe and would be able to get people to follow our "fake news".  Stop going to churches that simply scratch your itching ears.  We need our ears CLEANED.  The bible says "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."  It is time for us to rise up and admit that what God has said is what He has said.  We can't change it to feel better and we can't allow others to think He didn't mean it.

 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.


  1. Everyone can choose how they get to God. WRONG: Jesus is the Way the Truth and Life (John 14:6)
  2. We decide who we are, or who we should be. WRONG:  God created us with a purpose (Jeremiah 1:5)
  3. We only have to answer to our own consciousness. WRONG: We will give an account to God for every word. (Matthew 12:36)
  4. Christianity is a religion designed to keep us in bondage. WRONG: Who the Son makes free is free indeed! (John 8:36)
  5. People don't believe the gospel anymore. WRONG: The enemy has blinded eyes, they just need the LIGHT. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  6. There is no life after death. WRONG: God loved us enough to pay for eternal life. (John 3:16) 
  7. I have done too much and it is too late for me.  WRONG! Today if you hear His voice, He is standing at the door, knocking....(Revelation 3:20)


When it comes to you and your life, the bible says "Without a vision, the people perish".  What do you SEE yourself doing?  What looks like God, and what looks photoshopped?  Just because you can sing does not mean that you have to do what someone else has done.  Your purpose does not need to look like what someone else imagines. The purest picture of your life comes from God, not society.  Don't look at your natural gift and assume how it has to be used.  Go to the God who made you, and get His original photo of your life and follow that!  You are here to meet a need, a need that you were designed for, not to be a carbon copy of what has already been done.  As an author, I get a lot of flak because I am not trying to be on the "Best Sellers List"  I view my books as resources to what I teach.  To me it is a continued counseling session that benefits more that just the people sitting in front of me.  So I am not intimidated by everyone who has found a way to be 'called' the best seller, I want to help people, the people I am called to help.  It takes the pressure off performing to fit a mold that God didn't give me.  My big thing this year is "Staying in my lane, but thinking outside the box".   Follow God.  The path He has for you may not look like everyone else's but it is yours!  Don't give in to "Vision Shaming."


 John 8:44
You people are from your father the devil, and you want to do what your father desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies.

As nice as you are, you have an enemy. We all do.  The devil wants to stop us from being productive, from being a light in this earth.  Don't allow him to deceive you.  Sometimes he gives you partial truth to bait you into taking the hook, because a full lie would make you suspicious.  Much like he did in the garden of Eden.  Eve got a partial truth, just enough to make it tempting to disobey God.   Don't fall for it, his plan is to deceive you and get you off task. 
God has given you the ministry of reconciliation, so you are called whether you feel like it or not!  Anyone who tries to make you feel like you are worthless, or that God does not want or need you is lying.  They are not the enemy, but at that moment, he is using them.  In all of us there is a purpose and plan that this world needs.  God has promised to bring that work to completion, but if we refuse to allow Him, we lose.   Why lose when you are already proclaimed as more than a conqueror?  You are His child and He loves you!  
God's word is TRUE.  If you hear anything that sounds 'too bad to be true'....check your facts with the word of God before believing the lie of the enemy.    Read what God says about you in His word, live your life as  a blessing to others and overcome the temptation to believe the FAKE NEWS.   

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

When God Over Does It!

Mark 8:23-25
He (Jesus) took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. Then He spat on the man’s eyes and placed His hands on him. “Can you see anything?” He asked. The man looked up and said, "I can see the people, but they look like trees walking around."  Once again Jesus placed His hands on the man’s eyes, and when he opened them his sight was restored, and he could see everything clearly.

This account of Jesus healing a blind man was interesting the first time I read it. As a young Christian, I thought that Jesus had to heal him again.  It obviously didn't work the first time, so Jesus laid hands on him a second time and completed the healing.  This train of thought was enforced by messages preached that use this as an example of the 'process of healing'. Since everyone does not walk in the fullness of healing immediately, we have to stay in the presence of God until the work is completed.   This holds just as good a message as the miracle of instant healing and it also holds truth.  I am not saying that it is inaccurate, but let's look at it a little differently.


I remember years ago when I wore eyeglasses, I hated them.  Don't get me wrong, it was not an issue of vanity or feeling I didn't look my best with them.  My issue is, and has always been comfort.  I hated how they felt, especially in Houston's heat and humidity.  The way they fogged up when I moved from one environment to another was irritating.  I had to wait a moment just to give them time to adjust so I could see.  So I switched to contact lenses.  That seemed like a great way to solve the problem of glasses.  But that was not any better.  The issue of comfort came into play again.  I didn't like the feeling of something in my eye!  I took great care to ensure they were cleaned properly, but one day in complete irritation..., I plucked them out and rolled them between my fingers, ensuring that set would never be worn again. 

That last experience left me with few options until I heard a woman talk about her eye surgery.  At the time they didn't have laser surgery, it was called  RK for short.  This surgery was to correct my vision by cutting top layers so they would lay flat and allow light in better.  After surgery I left with heavy black shades, but even in the midst of the darkness, I could see!!  On my way home I recall saying "I can see the leaves on the trees!  Individual leaves!"

My eyesight was restored beyond what I have ever experienced before.  I didn't even realize how I had lived with such poor vision.  Now I was able to see and define things as they actually were, clearly.

So when I read this story, the bible says that the blind man said "I see men as trees walking."   At first glance it seems that surely something was wrong, maybe his eyes were still blurry, still adjusting to the light.  Maybe the people he saw that looked like trees were actually people walking around and he couldn't see anything except their form.  Did you ever wonder what insight a blind man could give as to how a tree looked?  Is he really qualified to make that comparison?  Much like my everyday vision before the surgery.  My surgery immediately changed my vision, did Jesus miss it?


To be honest, the bible supports the first vision the blind man had.  We are like trees, or we are supposed to be.  We are told to bear fruit, to stay connected to the vine, we are told to be rooted and grounded in love, to know each other by our fruit.  We are also told that we should be as trees planted by living water, bringing forth fruit in our season.  We are supposed to be a benefit to others in this earth, and what we do should nourish them.  We have in us the opportunity for replenishment and abundance.  We have the ability to reproduce after our kind.  Yes, we are as trees walking.  We are living beings who need to stay connected to our Life Source. 

John 15:5 says

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

I imagine what the first vision could mean for a blind man.  I can hear encouragement saying "Yes, I am going to heal you, but I will also make you fruitful.  You have been living off handouts, but I will cause your gifts to become a source of revenue for you. While others have given to you, I will cause you to flourish, to benefit others and to be a blessing to behold."  Yes, we are as trees.

After Jesus allowed the blind man to see beyond today, He brought him back to a vision that is suitable for the moment.   Sometimes when God shows us more than we can handle, He may bring it back to where you can deal with it, but He does not take away His big picture plans for you. 


We don't need a new vision about what God can do for us.  Think back to where He showed you something that was hard to believe.  Maybe you are haunted with your past mistakes or you know how your mind goes left on occasion.  All of those things can keep us thinking that the vision was wrong, or we are unqualified like the blind man to admit what we saw.  But take a second look at what He has shown you.  You may have assumed it was for someone else to do, or you may think you missed it all together.  Know that God has plans for you, don't discount those things that look odd to you, that seem impossible. 
I would like to encourage you today.  Some things God is showing you about your future looks erroneous, it may look like He missed it.  You may stay in His presence to get another touch so you can see better, but  God knows what He is doing and if He shows you something, trust me, He has not made a mistake.  Believe the vision and walk in it!

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us.
Ephesians 3:20